Ermolaeva Spravochnik Rabotnika Laboratorii Pivovarennogo Predpriyatiya
![Laboratorio Laboratorio](
• 45 Downloads Abstract Changes were studied that occurred during storage in the grain of the spring two-row barley of Get’man and Priazovskii 9 breeds permitted to use in the North Caucasian region and their influence on the malt quality. It is shown that the value of the germination indices within the time of the grain storage increases achieving maximum in 9 months. The germination index of Get’man breed was higher than in Priazovskii 9 breed. Both breeds had low water sensitivity within the whole storage period. In the malt obtained from the grain stored for more than 6 months, the content of protein reduced.
Spravochnik rabotnika laboratorii pivovarennogo predpriyatiya [Handbook for laboratory worker of brewery]. Petersburg, Professiya Publ.,.
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It is stated that the indices of the barley grain during storage at the ambient temperature within the year changed constantly. Furthermore, the properties of the grain of different breeds changed differently, which favorably influenced the malt quality.