Fishing Bot By Mrsergey Klyuch
Bot is designed to work on the Legion. Bot is completely adapted to work in the Legion, is able to use all of the addon lure, fight mobs, loot it and use a rare fish for the fishing skillup and for leveling rods artifact. So bot: - fish in any area where you can fish your hands, including the. The Bot is configured within less than 5 minutes! Finally be free to do things you enjoy without feeling inefficient;). The Droprate is about 25 Ancient Relic Crystsl Shards per 8 Hours of fishing 🙂.
[SIZE=+2] FishingBuddy[/SIZE] by Bossland GmbH Features: • Fishes from pools or from a single location. • Excellent at finding a landing spot when pool fishing; See screenshot above • Switches to weapons when in combat if using a pole • Supports Water walking • Supports Blackspots • Supports mailing if profile has a mailbox and Recipient isn't blank • Supports vendoring if profile has a repair NPC added.
• Hearths and logs if bags are full and profile has no mail or vendor • Auto Blacklisting. • Automatically detects lures and applies it to pole.Can use weather beaten hat • Supports land mounts too. • Supports the profile tag How To Install. Honorbuddy [SIZE=-2] (Honorbuddy must be stopped before altering settings)[/SIZE] → Settings & Tools → Bot Config → Advanced → Increase the value for PathPrecision • Q: I've got FishingBuddy installed, and hit start, and nothing happens.
A: You have failed to load a profile. Profiles are responsible for moving you from fishing area to fishing area, or pool to pool. Without a profile, FishingBuddy doesn't know where you would like to fish. If your intent was to fish from where you are standing, you need to: • Load the blank profile (./Honorbuddy/ Bots/FishingBuddy/Profiles/FishingBuddy_BlankProfile.xml) • Go to FishingBuddy settings and turn off 'Pool Fishing'. Honorbuddy → Settings & Tools → Bot Config → Set the 'Pool fishing' value to 'False' You should not go AFK while using the 'blank profile'. The blank profile defines neither vendors at which to sell, nor does it define mailboxes at which to mail. This will cause your bags to fill up, and you will need to empty them manually.
The blank profile will not move your toon. The toon must already be standing at an appropriate position at the water's edge. Alternatively, you can alter the 'blank profile' to contain your favorite mailboxes, vendors, and fishing hotspots. Another potential cause of this problem is your selected profile is written using s. To resolve this issue, please see the FAQ question ' My profile is using s.
Bongo 2 keygen generator crack. Why won't this work?' • Q: 'The bot does absolutely nothing when I load a profile. Just standing there and flies to a pool when I manually fly nearby one.' A: Go to FishingBuddy settings and turn on 'Pool Fishing'. Honorbuddy → Settings & Tools → Bot Config → Set the 'Pool fishing' value to 'True'The vast majority of FishingBuddy profiles expect 'Pool Fishing' to be enabled. About the only time 'Pool Fishing' should be disabled is when stationary fishing (i.e., using the 'blank profile'). Another potential cause of this problem is your selected profile is written using s.